Eko Air

EKO AIR is owned by former BPHE market professionals and entrepreneurial industry specialists.

Located 20 km outside of Riga, in Salaspils (Latvia), the factory offers good access to its customer base.

EKO AIR is specialized in BPHE only. As genuine original manufacturer, we ownand control the entire production and value-added process. Modern machinery and technology allows us to produce quality product in a reliable and timely manner at superior costs.

Eko Air

The only manufacturer
of brazed plate heat
exchangers in this area
Home / Heat substations


You can order a heat exchanger by filling out a order form in our website or by sending a request to our e-mail address.


Production and head office:

"Eko Air" Ltd., 30D, Miera str., Salaspils, Latvia LV-2169



SIA EKO AIR Anti-corruption policy


The activities of LLC EKO AIR are intended to prevent the possibility of corruption at the company, promoting honesty, openness and responsibility among its employees, business partners, clients and suppliers. More...



Heat substations

Modular IHS Typical Execution

Modular IHSs are designed to provide the automatic temperature control of the heating system depending on the outdoor temperature, the maintenance of the required hot water temperature for consumers, and the optimal DHW circulation temperature.
Working in networks with the heat sources such as local boilers or district power suppliers at the temperatures up to 150° C.
All IHS using calculated heat exchangers based on temperature schedules, technical requirements and other regulatory documents on permissible working parameters for heating, ventilation and hot water systems, as well as taking into account customer requirements.